Employers (including Provider Access Policy)
There are many ways that employers can support our students. Please get in touch with us at careers@theblueschoolwells.co.uk or 01749-678799 x228 if:
- You have an apprenticeship or job you wish to fill. If suitable this will be forwarded to students who are looking for that type of employment.
- You would like to be invited to a school careers event to give a talk or answer questions from our students, such as at a theme day or assembly (virtual or in person). Please send details of your company, role and career path.
- You can provide work experience to our students. Year 10 students complete a mandatory 5 day work experience placement in July each year, and older students may wish to take on further work experience placements as they refine their choices for the future.
- You can assist with our Year 9 mock interview event. This is held in July and we aim to invite around 30-40 interviewers for one full day to give all of our students an interview experience.
- You are able to contribute to a specific subject department either by allowing students to visit your company on a school trip or coming into school to deliver an aspect of subject curriculum to a class.
If you are not sure which of these you would like to offer, please get in touch with the Careers Office to identify the most suitable opportunity.
Please click the link below to view our Provider Access Policy.