WellsBlueSeptember2023 235

School Uniform

Please see our uniform policy below for full details. 

Uniform Policy

All our uniform items can be purchased from

South West Schoolwear in Broad Street, Wells.  South West Schoolwear is open 6 days a week throughout the year, serving parents/carers from a convenient City Centre location. Alternatively parents/carers can order from their website. 

Parents/carers are able to buy many parts of the uniform from alternative suppliers such as local supermarkets.  We have tried to minimise the number of items that are branded "The Blue School" while maintaining an identity for our students, separate to other schools.   

Please see our approved list before purchasing items.

We are running a trial during the summer term of 2025 of introducing tailored shorts to the school uniform as an additional (optional) item.  Further details (including approved items) can be found below:

Parent/carer letter regarding shorts' trial summer 2025

Before buying shoes for your child, please view the document below.

Examples of acceptable/unacceptable footwear here

Support for Parent/Carers with School Uniform

We appreciate that on occasions parents/carers can struggle to meet the cost of replacing school uniform items, particularly as their teenage children grow.  Emergency uniform stock is retained by our Pastoral and PE teams to support students in emergency situations. 

Parents/carers of prospective or current students are welcome to access the second-hand uniform sales held frequently by volunteers of our PTA.  These sales are proving popular and successful, dates advertised at the time, and we aim to coincide as many as possible with "parent/carer in-school" events.  A small donation is requested to reflect the efforts of the PTA volunteers in sorting and cleaning the donations and lost property items.  All proceeds go the the PTA. 

Families of students in Years 8 to 11 wishing to apply for a bursary towards the cost of school uniform should complete and return our application form below.

Bursary Application Form (copies also available from the school reception) Families of students joining the school in Year 7 in September and who are eligible for Free School Meals will automatically be sent a uniform voucher prior to starting with us.

Lost Property

We urge parents/carers to mark up their child's uniform with their name.  Our Lost Property room is filled up on a daily basis.   Marked lost property is returned to the student.  We aim to retain un-marked lost property for at least 4 weeks before the PTA includes it in the next available second-hand sale.