WellsBlueSeptember2023 195

Free School Meals

We would encourage all eligible families to apply for free school meals. If your child is transferring to us into Y7 from a maintained Somerset Council primary school, their entitlement should automatically transfer and you will not need to make a new application.  However, if you have not yet made an application or your circumstances have changed such that you now believe your child/ren will be eligible, then please click on the link below to check eligibility and apply via Somerset Council.

If you have any questions please contact our Main Office on 01749 678799.

https://www.somerset.gov.uk/education-and-families/free-school-meals/The governors of The Blue School provide a one-off voucher towards the purchase of school uniform for students joining the school who are eligible for free school meals.  Students joining Y7 each September, where we have been made aware of eligibility, will automatically be sent a voucher for the value of £50 and redeemable at South West Schoolwear, Broad Street, Wells, prior to joining the school.  Students joining the school outside the normal transition process (in-year admissions throughout the school year) will be issued with a voucher on joining the school where they are eligible for free school meals.  For further information, please see the School Uniform section of this website.