

The Blue School is a state maintained, fully inclusive Church of England School under the Academies Act 2010 (but where Church representatives do not form the majority of Trustees).

Under the provisions of this act The Blue School is a private company limited by guarantee (Companies House Registration:  07706776). Also under the terms of this Act, The Blue School is defined as an exempt charity.   

The Blue School is a single academy trust but works with other schools to share good practice and develop school improvement for all. 


In technical terms, the members are the "owners" of The Blue School, the academy, and review its performance on an annual basis.  The members have the power to dismiss the Board of Governors, but in reality, as a state maintained academy, any such intervention would not take place without the knowledge and approval of the Government's Department for Education.

  • Mr Jonathan Brown as Chair of Trustees
  • The Ven Anne Gell as the Archdeacon of Wells
  • Mr Peter Hoddinott
  • Dr Elizabeth Walker
  • Mrs Jennifer Warnock

The Governing Body (Board of Trustees)

The Governing Body oversees The Blue School, providing the school's strategic direction and oversight of its provision:

  • Dr Katrina Bradley (Vice Chair)
  • Mr Jonathan Brown (Chair)
  • Mr Phillip Burrows
  • Revd Samuel Denyer
  • Mr Darrell Frost
  • Mr Dave Hiscox
  • Miss Alexia James
  • Mr Paul James
  • Mr Thomas Ruddle
  • Mrs Marisa Taylor
  • Mr Mark Woodlock (Headteacher)
Correspondence to the Members or the Governing Body should be addressed to the Chair and sent to Mrs Jo Stitch, Clerk, at The Blue School, Kennion Road, Wells, Somerset BA5 2NR or via email to
Please find below a welcome message from our Chair of Governors.
Chair of Governors' WelcomePlease note that at The Blue School we continue to use the term "Governors".  The other term often used in reference to academy boards is "Trustees".   For us, the titles are one and the same in terms of the roles and responsibilities.

Headteacher and Leadership Team

The Governing Body retains responsibility for the strategic direction and performance of the school, accountable to the members.  However, the Governing Body delegates the day to day running of the school to the Headteacher who is also expected to lead on the strategic direction of the school.  In turn, the Headteacher designates areas of responsibility to members of the Leadership Team

The Governing Body will directly oversee any appointment to the post of Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.  The Governing Body will participate in the appointment of other members of the Leadership Team as facilitated by the Headteacher.  

Wells Blue School Charity

Independent to The Blue School Academy Trust, there is an associated historical charitable trust Wells Blue School Charity (Charity No: 310266), sometimes referred to as the Foundation Trust.  This trust originates from the 300 years of the school's history, when government provision for education was limited, and instead local people donated funds and land (often as part of their legacies) to support a "Church of England education" for the children of the parish of the City of Wells.   

The Trustees of Wells Blue School Charity are the current Governors of The Blue School at a given time, with an additional "independent" trustee respecting the separation of the two charitable trusts.   Legally, The Blue School Ltd and Wells Blue School Charity are two separate legal entities.  Wells Blue School Charity has no legal oversight over The Blue School Ltd other than the role of landowner to the campus. 

Physical Ownership of the Campus

The freehold of The Blue School's estate resides with the Official Custodian of Charities on behalf of Wells Blue School Charity.  Wells Blue School Charity is effectively the landowner and has granted a 125 year lease to The Blue School Ltd, the academy.  

Wells Blue School Charity Grant Scheme

The Trustees of Wells Blue School Charity have a limited amount of funds at their disposal every year which can be applied for in the form of bursaries for current and former students.  For further information and an application form, please click on the documents below.

Wells Blue School Charity Grant Scheme - InformationWells Blue School Charity Grant Scheme - Application FormWells Blue School Charity - Scheme of Foundation