

The Science Department at the Blue School seeks to inspire students to “think like a scientist”. To do this we follow the 2 year AQA KS3 Activate course. This is a two year course that will ensure that students are equipped with the skills needed to engage with both the practical and theoretical aspects of science as they progress through The Blue School.

Key Stage 3

Students in Year 7 will be taught in mixed ability groups. Their lessons will be in well-equipped science laboratories. Teachers will show students how to make use of a range of scientific equipment to carry out practical work. Students will be given an exercise book that is personalised for the Science Course. This book is a useful source of information both for students and parents/carers. The exercise book contains detailed information about topics and assessments that will be covered in lessons. 

All of the lessons that your child will complete will be made available on Google Classroom. It would be useful to encourage your child to take some time to engage with this outside of lessons. Homework is set to support students in becoming independent learners and will be a mixture of online SENECA quizzes and end of chapter questions from the Kerboodle text book.

Y8 follows a similar structure to Y7 and in Y9 students start the KS4 AQA Science GCSE.

Key Stage 4