

As a state-maintained, non-fee paying, Church of England School, we have a fully inclusive admissions policy. Students attending The Blue come from the City of Wells and surrounding communities across a wide area of Somerset, including the Levels and Mendip Hills.

We welcome all and work for all to achieve their very best.

If you have an enquiry regarding admissions, please contact Mrs Jo Stitch, Headteacher's PA, at the school via 01749 678799 or email: Mrs Stitch will be able to advise on the admission process and arrange a tour of the school.

From September 2024 our admission numbers are as follows:

Year 7  240
Year 8  220
Year 9  232
Year 10 250 (year group closed to further entries)
Year 11 245 (year group closed to further entries)
Sixth Form Unlimited, subject to entry requirements

The fully inclusive admissions policy of The Blue School is set out in our Funding Agreement with the DfE. The school will be required to admit a child with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) if it names the school before the following criteria are applied:

  • Looked After Children - children in the care of the Local Authority, or have been previously and are now formally adopted.
  • Children living in the catchment area, with an older sibling at the school at the time of admission, and who live at the same address.
  • Children living in the catchment area.
  • Children living outside the catchment area, with an older sibling at the school at the time of admission, and who live at the same address.
  • Children who themselves, or whose parent(s)/carer(s) are practising members of the founding religious body of the school (Anglican, Methodist).
  • Children who themselves, or whose parent(s)/carer(s) are practising members of other churches or religious denominations.
  • Children of permanent staff employed at the school for 2 years prior to application.
  • Children outside the catchment area, but nearest the school by straight line measurement.

Prospective students and/or their parents/carers do not have to be regular attendees of the Church of England to attend The Blue School. Similarly, no fees are required to attend The Blue School, although as with many state maintained schools, parents/carers can be asked to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of their child's participation in extra curricular or other non-core activities.

Year 7

Although independent of local authority control as an academy trust, The Blue School continues to follow the admissions protocols agreed with Somerset Council.

Details of Somerset's procedures for Year 7 admissions

In the autumn term, prior to the 31st October deadline, the school holds an Open Evening for prospective parents/carers and students to view the school and speak to staff. This year our Open Evening will be held on Thursday 3rd October 2024 and further details can be found here. If you are unable to attend this evening you can still arrange to see the school by contacting Mrs Stitch (as above).

If you miss the deadline for admissions for entry in September 2025 - Thursday 31st October 2024 - please see the Somerset Admission Service for late application information.  The Blue School has 240 places available in Year 7 for September 2025.

The Welcome Booklet (updated every July) provides information to new students and their parent/carers.

The Prospectus provides general information on the school.

In-Year Admissions

Parents/carers of prospective students who wish to be considered for admission to The Blue during the school year in any year group should contact Mrs Stitch at the school in the first instance. The Blue School administers its own in-year admissions.

We would encourage all parents/carers to discuss any issues or concerns they have with their child's current secondary school, before considering a transfer to The Blue School. This is particularly important at Key Stage 4, Years 10 and 11, where GCSE option choices/syllabuses may not be able to continue as in the previous secondary school.

Application forms can be downloaded either as a pdf or word document (please find our forms at the bottom of this page) and returned as signed paper copies to Mrs Stitch or electronically to

Sixth Form

We do not limit applications to our Sixth Form, either from Year 11 students who decide to continue their studies with us or from external applicants. We have experienced a substantial increase in interest from external applicants in recent years and have found that, with a very few exceptions, external applicants settle into our sixth form well, quickly making new friends and getting to know teaching staff.

All prospective students (and their parents/carers) interested in joining the Sixth Form are invited to meet with a member of the school's Leadership Team. This meeting is focused on discussing option choices, making sure that the best decision is taken reflecting an individual's strengths and career/life aspirations.

For more details about joining our Sixth Form please visit our Sixth Form Section.

No fees are required to attend The Blue School's Sixth Form, although as with many state maintained school sixth forms, students can be asked to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of their participation in extra-curricular activities.