IMG 3337

PTA Lottery


The Blue School PTA Lottery raises funds for our PTA, providing additional funding for equipment and projects, the cost of which normally being outside of the school's available resources.

The lottery is drawn every quarter with 50% of the total fund at that time distributed between 3 cash prizes. The remaining 50% supports the fund raising targets of the PTA.  An annual lottery ticket for the 4 quarterly draws costs £12.00.  Parents/carers, past or present, extended family members, friends and supporters may buy as many tickets as they wish.  Additional tickets can be bought at anytime throughout the year.

To make it easier for parents/carers to join the lottery we have introduced a voluntary payment option to our SCOPAY Online Payment accounts.  We wish to stress that this is a voluntary payment.  By ordering tickets (in multiples of £12) on SCOPAY parents/carers do not need to complete a separate Lottery application form.  If parents/carers would prefer the Blue School PTA Lottery option can be removed from their personal account

As outlined in the Lottery Rules ticket holders must be aged 18 or over at the time of purchase.

The lottery is licensed by Mendip District Council - no. LN/009403471.